What are hashtags?

What are hashtags?

The easiest way to describe a hashtag is this: it’s a keyword or phrase, compounded into a single word (i.e. no spaces) with a hash (#) in front of it, used to tag posts with categories, themes or topics.

#simpleHashtags found fame on Twitter, allowing users to add a basic form of SEO to their tweets, so they could link their brief bursts of opinion or information to a single theme.For example, if you searched for #ilovechocolate, your search results would list you the latest tweets that contained the same hashtag.  It allows conversations to take place based on a common thread or theme, and makes finding users with similar interests easier.

Hashtags can also be used to describe the mood or the implied message behind a tweet.

For example, “sat on a beach drinking a cool fruit cocktail” has a different meaning to “sat on a beach drinking a cool fruit cocktail #inmydreams”.

Hashtag Statistics
Twitter uses it’s top ranking hastags as trending topics.  These are summarised on the home screen, and can be tailored by geographic location.  So, you can pick up global trending hashtags or more local ones to where you are now.

Creating hashtags is simple.  You don’t need any special tools or equipment – it’s just a bit of text with a thing in front of it.

NOTE: It’s a little more complicated for Mac users.  If you’re using a Mac, and you haven’t located your #, you’re not alone.  It took us some serious head scratching followed by a short burst of Googling to find out where it was hiding #sneaky

Hashtags are great for specific events.  You can even check if your hashtag is being used by someone else for another purpose, and adjust your hashtag accordingly.  While hashtags found their niche in Twitter, they’re now used across a range of social media platforms, including Facebook.  They’ve quickly become a fast way to “tag” your information and make it easy to find.  It’s like instant SEO.

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