FREE guide: 5 website trends that will stay

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The Internet introduced a whole range of new areas for marketers to master – online, social and mobile – bringing new opportunities and flexibility, but also its own challenges.
We have put together a free guide that covers five website trends that have proven to be successful.

1. Focus on mobile
A responsive web design is a must-have. With constantly increasing smartphone and tablet sales, the static size of a desktop website also has to be optimised for smaller screens.

2. Long scroll

Remember the beginnings of the Internet populated with long pages crammed with content? Well, the scrolling sites are back, but with an awesome face lift.

3. Large hero areas

The hero area is the intro area of the website that is very visual with a little text. By allowing the brands to be creative using visual communications, it’s a great trend that’s here to stay.

4. Flat design

Design trends often evolve from famous brands shaking things up. A few years ago Microsoft and Apple revamped their software design. To sum up the changes in five words  – 2D became the new 3D. The main benefit for an end-user? It has never been faster to spot an area of interest and take further actions.

5. Simplified content

Keep it short and sweet. There is a higher probability of your content being shared if it’s visual, it’s informative, it’s funny, but most of all – memorable and/or worth remembering.

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