133% increase in PPC conversion rate

Incredible growth for sensory experience specialists.

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organic growth month on month since go live

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increase in PPC conversion rate

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54% decrease in cost per conversion

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reduced website bounce rate

Rhino Sensory sit at the forefront of designing, building and creating inclusive sensory spaces, perfect for learning, calming and exploring!

They were happy with their overall branding, but their existing website was very poor, and quite difficult to use. Great user experience was essential, which is why they wanted a new website.

The problem

“Our website wasn’t performing in the way it should have. We liked how it looked, but were frustrated with how it worked.”


Rhino’s existing website looked great, but was failing to deliver the results that the team needed to grow the business.

They liked the site design, so our challenge was to create a new site using the same branding and similar designs, but build it in a way that improves functionality, both on the front and back ends.
In addition to that, we noted that they had good organic visibility, but had no long-term traffic driving strategy to maintain and improve rankings on search engines.

Finally, they were running pay-per-click ads, but had little strategy behind them. Any ads that ran were done on an ad-hoc basis; this needed working on and optimising to help drive more, better traffic to the new website.

Tools used to leverage results

Our Solution

First and foremost – Rhino’s website.


We rebuilt the site from the ground up, using their existing branding and a refreshed design. User experience sat at the core of our strategy – we needed the website to feel great to use and to help drive traffic towards conversions.

The new site is technically slicker and is built in an easy-to-use CMS. We rebuilt the site on a robust platform using future-proofed best practice guidelines for both structure and usability.

We’ve also gone live with a brand-new tailored SEO and PPC process, one with carefully considered lead generation strategy behind it, rather than the previous ad-hoc approach. Rhino’s new strategy strikes the perfect balance between SEO and PPC; our strategists holistically planned each channel out to complement one another rather than working in silo.

This means that the SEO helps nurture long-term leads, PPC helps drive short-term traffic and conversions, and together they boost the overall effectiveness of the Rhino website – neat!

This has already delivered results, with organic traffic growing at a steady 10% per month, and PPC delivering quality leads directly to the website.

See the new Rhino Sensory website for yourself.

You can give the new Rhino Sensory website a browse by clicking the link below.

See website

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