The Agency Landscape & How It Changes

The Agency Landscape & How It Changes

Agencies are always undergoing constant changes – they need to in order to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and consumer behaviours. However, we were wondering what exactly it is that drives the most change – people, or technology?

A recent article on The Drum addresses this very issue and engages in an interesting debate. Of course, there are two sides to every story, but Gareth Moss – author of the article – argues that it is in fact people who really drive the changes within an agency environment.

People determine the value of technological advances

Although there have been a huge number of technological advancements in recent years, with the advent of social media, data, analytics and mobile, it is ultimately the people within an agency who determine what technology is adopted and how the business evolves to the new digital working environment.

Agency workers need to know how to use multi-screens, how to make the most of mobile and the internet, and sometimes even look into big data and campaign insights for clients.

Adapting to external influences

Outside influences do also play a part in the changes an agency can go though, such as the current economic environment or external changes to online platforms. However, it is the decisions of those high-up within an agency – such as Chief Technology Officers and

Chief Innovation Officers – who make the final call as to how an agency will react to such

Luckily, here at Catalyst we have the most experienced and dedicated employees any agency could ask for, and every change undergone has been for the benefit of the business. This just goes to show how finding the right employees for the agency, but also finding the right agency from the point of view of a client, can help a business.

Adopting new technology requires a personal touch

Of course, developments in the various forms of communication now available; being able to excite customers with a variety of profiles on online platforms; and coming up with new and exciting forms of content, are all essential technical skills for an agency to boast. But more often than not it is the people within who advise when to adopt certain pieces of technology to help aid new or existing clients.

Being able to adapt to this means that agencies have to seriously consider restructuring the way they work so that people become the focus – meaning the advancements in technology follow swiftly behind. Ideally, agencies will have been adapting to the new digital environment – or will have at least been looking to the future – for around five years. Being known as a ‘super consultancy’ that can make the most of these advancements is guaranteed to make an agency stand out from competitors.

So, if you’re looking for an agency to help with your digital and inbound content marketing strategies – look no further. Here at Catalyst our employees are always looking to the future and the next big technological trends, and we are always encouraging them to do so.