Should My Business Start Blogging?

Common Content Marketing mistakes you need to avoid.

Firstly, I feel I must admit that I have never written a blog before.  In fact, I rarely even read blogs! So why, you may ask, am I writing one now?

In all honesty, I believed they were exclusively used as a way to express personal opinion on a subject matter. However, throughout my 1.5 days’ experience in the marketing world (yes, I am that new to blogging), I have come to realise that, in reality, they can be so much more. This is especially true when discussing business engagement.

Businesses can utilise blogs in a number ways, for example, they can be used to; 


Promote your business (blogs can become a big part of your brand awareness strategy)


Endorse content relevant to your business


Assist potential customers with a specific dilemma


Help your business appear higher in Google searches (known as search engine optimisation)


Increase your company’s presence in its marketplace.


Increase the number of visits to your website


Generate interest in your business


How does this work? Good question – it works because potential customers will search the internet. Consumers have become increasing reliant on the internet to assist in background research and as a generalisation will search using a generic description of the product or service they are interested in or a particular query they have.

Blogs allow your business to be found
By writing blogs, a search engine will be able to find your business more easily. There are over 60 trillion pages in operation, so the more live pages your company has, the more likely they will be viewed. Your blog could be read due to the relevant information relating to the search criteria entered.


Attract new visitors to your site.
Now your page is being viewed, the reader is able to come away with a greater understanding of a topic or even an answer to their initial question; all thanks to your blog! With a visually appealing source of information, they may decide to stay on your website and start searching around to discover more about your business.


Therefore, blogs could be described as the first domino in the sales chain and may lead to the final domino falling; the sale!

Make the most of the tools available
Marketing has changed significantly, from printing physical flyers as far back as the 15C to utilising social media in 2014. Marketing has never stood still so why should your business? 


Throughout my brief research into blogs, I have come to realise that they can be an effective marketing tool for businesses and would certainly consider writing one for my business. 
Ultimately, it is your decision whether to start blogging or not, but if blogging is now a consideration why not check out one of our other articles on getting to grips with content marketing or 6 ways to get your content noticed.

Want to find out more about blogs? Why not read some of our other articles:

 Starting conversations with customers
 What is search engine optimisation?
 6 ways to get your content noticed