It’s time to embrace the era of digital marketing

Quarter Of Britons' Daily Communication Occurs Online

Accordingly to a recent article by Contently, print marketing is making a comeback this year but with technology advancing rapidly and digital advertising so popular,
where should you invest your money?

As someone who has been brought up with a mobile phone or computer never too far away, I’m sure I’m not alone in today’s population when the first place I go to for information is my smartphone.

Whether I’m looking for latest news stories, checking the weather, catching up on an episode of Eastenders or looking for a game to play during a tea break – everything is now available in one place.It seems that wherever you go nowadays people are clutching at smartphones and tablets like they’re a lifeline. Next time you’re on the train or walking down the street, take a look at passers-by and you’ll realise how many people are fully absorbed into their technology. So is it really possible for businesses to focus more on print?On a business level, print has always provided a great source of informative content but with most publications now offering articles and content online, the need to purchase is diminishing.

Patience for press

In years gone by, the anticipation of publication delivery and seeing your advert in print was quite exciting but with the sophistication of modern technology, we’ve become an impatient society. Social media allows us to contact companies as soon as we have a question or complaint and we’re programmed to expect an instant reply. Businesses have had to accept that by implementing themselves onto social media platforms, they have to adapt to current expectations which is why social media has become a great resource for real-time advertising. Whereas if you are advertising in print it can take weeks from sign-off to delivery so the adverts have to be smart and more generic as trends can change very quickly.

Fundamentals in tradition

It would be wrong of a marketer to assume that print is predominantly press advertising as many traditional methods are still excellent tools. Although I believe press advertising is something of the past, printed literature such as brochures and direct mail remain in the limelight and rightly so.There is still a sense of pleasure in receiving a postcard or leaflet that is relevant to me on a personal or professional level. A decade ago it was exciting to receive an email yet annoying to receive so much daily post, however I have to constantly clear my junk emails now and get excited when the post arrives. Time, trends and tables have clearly turned.Although the digital age is booming, it’s clear that print still has its place in certain markets. Whether it’s a price list, corporate brochure or flyer, customers often enjoy having something tangible to take away.

So where should you invest your money?

Your marketing is driven by its return so wherever you decide to invest, tracking is key.

Although you can use dynamic numbers and specific landing pages on press advertising it is much quicker to use digital media such as email marketing and click through rates. It all comes down to who you’re selling to. Most people have access to a smartphone, tablet or computer throughout the average day which makes digital advertising so important but if you’re working with those who rely on a physical publication, which has become a niche market, then press ads can be beneficial too.