Going Nuts for the Sales & Marketing Hubs – HubSpot’s Impact on Wulfrun’s Growth

Wulfrun specialise in creating high-quality industrial fasteners for organisations across the world. This includes nuts, bolts, screws, studs and many more bespoke machined components. 

This Wolverhampton-based business engineer some of the best fastener products in the world from their factory in the heart of the Midlands, but their existing marketing wasn’t delivering the results they were after. 

They required two things: a well-managed inbound marketing strategy and the tools to support it. Wulfrun’s goals centred around sales enablement; our marketing efforts needed to allow their sales team to have meaningful conversations, initiated at the right time. 

To us, the answer was clear: HubSpot’s Sales & Marketing Hubs!


The Challenge

When we first entered into talks with Wulfrun, it was evident that they were delivering incredible products. 

A short tour around their factory demonstrated both their passion and expertise. Unfortunately, there were a fair few sales & marketing challenges facing the organisation – they lacked a process to help them nurture leads. 


  • Had a large amount of data which was not being leveraged
  • Had a talented sales team who were bogged down in outreach
  • Had difficulty with sending out mass emails and tracking
  • Wanted to grow their social channels but lacked structure
  • Needed to be able to properly segment their data based on a wide industry spread
  • Wanted to build a marketing strategy, but lacked the time to build and schedule emails
  • Wanted a streamlined sales pipeline to make their salespeople more efficient
  • Wanted to better understand their buyer’s journey

The team at Wulfrun had all the ingredients for success, they just needed HubSpot and a digital marketing strategy to help shift their growth into 6th gear.


“My sales team had a lot on their plates. We needed to automate many of our marketing processes and take the pressure off – I wanted them to focus on selling.”

  • Patrick Gomes, Managing Director, Wulfrun Specialised Fasteners


The Solution

The Wulfrun team knew that they needed something to streamline their ongoing marketing efforts – they wanted to attract more high-quality, qualified leads than ever before, and their growth goals were very ambitious. 

It was agreed that a combination of the Marketing Hub and Sales Hub was ideal for Wulfrun’s needs. We also decided to create a brand-new website to drive traffic to, one that fully integrated with HubSpot to bring everything together into one convenient place. 


So, we got to work.


Many elements in this project ran in tandem. While the new website was in development, our HubSpot specialists were building workflows, aligning marketing with the sales team, creating dashboards and preparing a social plan, all leading up to the big day – website launch!


  • Created nurturing and warm workflows for lapsed data, scheduled in HubSpot.
  • Ran data-fuelled campaigns. As Wulfrun’s clients are international and spread across a broad range of industries, we relied heavily on Marketing Hub’s ability to segment data to ensure our comms were hitting the mark. 
  • Built a social plan, leveraging Scheduled Posts to maintain a consistent posting schedule. 
  • Built properties in HubSpot that allowed HubSpot to collect data from non-HubSpot forms. 
  • Connected ad campaigns and fleshed out reports, allowing us to see the results in a centralised area.  
  • Created fully branded email templates for the sales team to use in email campaigns. 
  • Set up a dedicated HubSpot reporting dashboard to capture performance of each channel. 
  • Applied tracking from the website which can be traced back to contact source, allowing Wulfrun to get a full understanding of their buyer journey. 
  • Modernised Wulfrun’s branding to be used in both email templates and sitewide. 
  • Conducted HubSpot onboarding through a “do it for me” approach. We set up Wulfrun’s portal and trained the team.

Wulfrun’s sales team have made fantastic use of the clear, easy-to-use pipeline of the Sales Hub; the interconnectedness between the Sales and Marketing Hubs has allowed them to tailor their outreach based on the buyer journey and each prospect’s experience to date.

Individual salespeople have reported that they’ve had far more valuable conversations with potential customers thanks to insights from HubSpot. 


The Results

The combined force of the Sales and Marketing Hubs has allowed Wulfrun’s inbound process to flourish.

From the get-go, our KPIs revolved around growth – more high-quality leads was the aim of the game. Since the launch of their new website & marketing strategy, and the integration of HubSpot into their day-to-day sales and marketing process, Wulfrun have seen:

  • 2,518% ROI on Google Ads
  • 15% increase in monthly turnover
  • 72% increase in PPC traffic
  • 295% increase in PPC conversions
  • 16% increase in email CTR
  • 96% increase in keyword visibility

The data managed through HubSpot has been integral to this success. HubSpot has allowed Wulfrun’s sales team to make informed decisions based on facts, not guesswork. 

It has freed up their time to focus on nurturing relationships with potential customers, helping them drive an incredible boost to turnover. 

We knew that, once their target audience started to hear about Wulfrun’s incredible fastener products, that they’d get in touch, and they did just that!


The Impact


“Over the last year, Catalyst and HubSpot have changed the way our business operates. We’re delighted with the results so far, and I’m glad to report that our sales team are spending far more time selling than they used to! We’ve never had access to this level of data. It’s incredibly helpful when engaging with a prospect.”

  • Patrick Gomes, Managing Director, Wulfrun


We have loved seeing the impact that HubSpot has had on Wulfrun’s business. When we met the team for the first time, we met a family of passionate people who loved what they do, they just needed to unlock their marketing potential and get the word out about their business as far and wide as possible. 

The Sales & Marketing Hubs have allowed them to do exactly that. 

Over the last few months, we have slowly been introducing the Wulfrun team to more, increasingly complex features of HubSpot. We can’t wait to continue building on 12 months of success – here’s to another 12 great months!


If you’ve got any questions, or if you’re ready to get started, get in touch today.

About the author

Morgan Powell is one of our in-house HubSpot experts.

He handles the day-to-day management of all HubSpot activities for our clients, from onboarding to training, setup to consultancy. It’s his job to ensure that all of our clients are getting the most out of their HubSpot and meeting their goals. 

Aside from being a HubSpot guru, Morgan likes to spend his spare time playing the guitar, writing music and performing at live events!

Morgan Powell