HubSpot Sales Hub: Streamline Your Sales Process & Close More Deals

HubSpot Sales Support

Are you happy with your sales process?

Is it as efficient as it could be?

Chances are, the answers to the above questions are ‘no’. Even if you are happy with your existing sales process, once you know what HubSpot’s Sales Hub could be doing for your sales, you won’t be. 

So, there’s one question you ought to be asking:


What is HubSpot’s Sales Hub?

The HubSpot Sales Hub is a comprehensive sales software platform that revolutionises the way that sales teams work. It brings together contact management, automation, pipelines and much more, making your sales teams:

  • More streamlined
  • More productive
  • Close more deals

How does it work? We’ll tell you!


What can the HubSpot Sales Hub do?

It’d probably be faster for us to answer, ‘what can’t the HubSpot Sales Hub do?’, but here’s a concise (as possible) list of the key features of HubSpot’s Sales Hub:


Contact Management

Sales Hub provides a centralised database for managing and organising leads and customer information. It allows you to track interactions, segment contacts, and gain insights into their behaviour.


Email Tracking and Automation

Sales Hub includes email tracking features that notify you when your emails are opened, or links are clicked. It also offers email templates and automation tools to help you send personalised, timely messages.


Sales Automation

The platform includes workflow automation for sales tasks, enabling you to automate routine processes, set up reminders, and create follow-up tasks to improve efficiency. This allows your sales teams to crack on with what they do best – selling!


Lead Scoring

HubSpot’s lead scoring system helps you prioritise and focus on the most promising leads by assigning scores based on various criteria, such as engagement and demographic data.

Once leads reach certain scores, they can automatically be moved through your pipeline based on what content they’ve interacted with and how warm to your business they are. 


Deal and Pipeline Management

Sales Hub allows you to create and manage sales pipelines, track deal progress, and set goals. This visual representation helps sales teams understand where leads are in the sales process.


Sales Analytics and Reporting

The platform provides a range of incredibly powerful reporting and analytics tools, offering insights into sales performance, conversion rates, and individual or team progress.

Sales Hub’s reporting features make it easier than ever to create reports, monitor progress and demonstrate success.


CRM Integration

HubSpot Sales Hub seamlessly integrates with the HubSpot Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, creating a unified system for managing contacts and sales activities.


Sales Document Management

You can send and track sales documents and proposals within the platform, enabling you to see when documents are viewed and giving you the ability to follow up at the right time.


Meeting Scheduling

Sales Hub offers tools for easy scheduling of meetings and appointments with prospects and customers, making it convenient for both parties.


Sales Sequences

You can create and automate sequences of email and outreach activities to nurture leads and move them through the sales funnel.


Sales Forecasting

HubSpot Sales Hub assists in predicting revenue and sales growth by providing forecasting tools and insights.


What are the benefits of using HubSpot’s Sales Hub?

Following our whistle-stop tour of what the HubSpot Sales Hub can do, it’s time we looked at why you might choose to invest. 

Here’s 6 key benefits of using the HubSpot Sales Hub:


1. It fully integrates with the wider HubSpot ecosystem

The Sales Hub seamlessly integrates with other HubSpot products, such as the Marketing Hub and the Service Hub. This makes it much easier for you to maintain a holistic approach to managing customer relationships and aligning marketing, sales and service efforts. 

Not only this, but the Sales Hub can also integrate with third-party software you may already be using, such as Salesforce, making it a super versatile piece of kit.


2. Automation reduces stress and improves efficiency

Your salespeople have a lot of plates to spin. 

By automating emails and other repetitive tasks, setting up automated reminders for them to make calls and automatically creating follow-up tasks, you immediately cut out on a large chunk of monotonous work. 

The whole point of HubSpot Sales Hub is to make your salespeople more efficient by cutting out all the rubbish and allowing them to focus on what’s important – driving sales and growing your business.


3. Lead scoring allows for more efficient follow-up

Knowing exactly how receptive a potential lead will be to your call is incredibly powerful.

Lead scoring tracks exactly what marketing comms your leads have seen, rating them on a scale determined by you. Once they hit a specific score, an activity will automatically be created for your sales team, meaning no lead will ever slip through the cracks.


4. Progress is easier to visualise with pipeline management tools

By visualising and managing your sales pipelines, your team is able to track progress of any deals. 

This helps your people to prioritise the most promising leads, while automatically nurturing less promising leads a little more before contacting them again.


5. Insights deliver detailed reports, customised to you

Data is king, and HubSpot’s Sales Hub has one of the most comprehensive reporting tools in the business. 

Reporting software has two key benefits:

  1. Your sales team know exactly how successful their ongoing efforts are
  2. As a business owner or director, you have easily accessible data available at your fingertips, allowing you to plan more effectively


6. Fully accessible on mobile

Sales Hub works great on mobile, which is perfect for the busy salesperson who might be travelling cross-country on the regular. 


Partner with HubSpot specialists, make the most out of Sales Hub

The Catalyst team work with HubSpot day in, day out, helping our clients make the most of this powerful system.

We’re a HubSpot Partner Agency, and we’re HubSpot’s chosen agency for onboarding in Birmingham and the Midlands.

If you’re considering investing in HubSpot, or have some questions around its usage, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our specialists today. We’re on hand to help in any way that we can. 


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About the author

Morgan Powell is one of our in-house HubSpot experts.

He handles the day-to-day management of all HubSpot activities for our clients, from onboarding to training, setup to consultancy. It’s his job to ensure that all of our clients are getting the most out of their HubSpot and meeting their goals. 

Aside from being a HubSpot guru, Morgan likes to spend his spare time playing the guitar, writing music and performing at live events!

Morgan Powell