Finding the Right Customer Through Content Marketing

Study Reveals Consumers Prefer Content Marketing From The Experts

In food and drink manufacturing, adapting to consumer behaviours and tastes has always been a must.

Greater visibility

In June 2014, UK government scientists halved the recommended daily amount of sugar intake. This has also been paired with the horsemeat scandal, as well as intermittent flares of obesity and diabetes coverage in the media.

Food and drink manufacturers have had to introduce clear labelling. Illustrating the nutritional value of all produce. This transparency provides clear benefits, enabling consumers to discover products that fulfil their dietary needs. 

In equal measure, marketers across all industries have had to ensure that their online content is clearly signposted. Filtering out unhelpful results is how search engines optimise their listings. Better content, and marketing of that content, enables an organisation to find its audience more effectively.

Nourishing content
Fad diets come and go, but health awareness is a consistent feature of the modern food and drink market. The need for a good mix of ingredients is becoming the standard. Less processing and fewer additives are motivating conditions which sway the contemporary end user. 

This is mirrored when creating educational content online, primarily by minimising the convolution of messaging. Concise, related, informative content drives real readership; the most successful landing pages educate and entertain one’s curiosity.

However, the costs associated with using premium ingredients may not always justify the returns.

Providing the right nourishment, at the right cost
Depending upon the buyer, the best ingredients are not always the most viable. It is important to keep raw material costs at a reasonable level if you are providing value food and drink. Conversely, premium foods will have greater nutritional content, due to expectations and higher price points.

Similarly to marketing, matching the content to the ‘buyer’ is imperative. Premium content costs time, and may only be applicable to certain audiences. Eliminating wasted time is thereby part of an appropriate positioning strategy. 

At Catalyst, our marketing expertise ensures we understand the needs of our clients and their customers. Inbound marketing is just one of the ways that we bring our clients new custom, creating nourishing content to source leads.