Customer Engagement: What To Ask & How To Drive It

Sharing On Twitter Up 43% In Q1 Whilst Email Use Drops

The world of online marketing can be an utterly confusing and murky space for those who don’t understand it or aren’t sure how to make the most of it. For those in the know, however, online marketing also provides a world of opportunities – which is why we’ve been working on perfecting our online strategies and the strategies of our clients, as well as trying to stay in the loop with the latest trends and technologies, for a long time now.

Although keeping abreast of the latest trends and technologies is essential, a lot of focus should also be placed on how a brand interacts with potential consumers. In order to do this effectively a number of questions need to be answered – and we ask ourselves these questions whenever we take on a new client or project – these include:

1) What do we know about the customers and what they are looking for?

2) What content will be most appropriate for them?

3) What channels will be most appropriate to post on?

4) How can we shorten the gap between what they want and what we are delivering?

5) What pieces of technology are most suitable for delivering these outcomes?

Once these questions have been answered we find it much easier to approach a project, knowing that we are well on the way to expecting impressive levels of user engagement. The same can be said for any company or brand that has taken the time to conduct thorough research into their consumer base and their expectations.

Following from this, a recent article for The Drum lists the top five tips for driving user engagement. We recognise a lot of these tactics as we try to adhere to them ourselves, so we thought we’d share some of them with you now:

Keep It Simple

The Drum notes that things are best kept simple, and we completely agree. Keeping things simple will mean they are streamlined and to the point – don’t be tempted to overload your content or strategy with too many disconnected elements in a bid to drive more user engagement, as it will more than likely actually put consumers off.

Focus on the formatting and the function of content in equal measures. Focussing too heavily on one or the other will mean the content becomes unbalanced and therefore becomes less likely to drive the optimum level of user engagement.


Utilise culture whenever you can – whether it be company culture or current cultural trends and insights. Being culturally relevant and up-to-date will prove to consumers that you are on the ball and a modern company to be associated with.

As far as tips and tricks for enabling maximum user engagement go, these may seem simple – but trust us, they are effective.