Catalyst Nominated for “Best Creative Agency”

Catalyst Nominated for "Best Creative Agency"

Catalyst is both delighted and proud to announce it has been shorlisted in the Insitute of Fundraising “Partners in Fundraising” Awards for its partnership with Missing People.

Catalyst has been shortlisted for the Institute of Fundraising’s Partners in Fundraising Awards 2015 in the “Best Creative Agency” category for its work with Missing People, the national missing persons charity. 

You can see a list of all the shortlisted nominations and categories here.

This award has even more meaning as it was our client, Missing People, who nominated us for the award. It’s a great way to mark our first year in partnership with this hard working charity.

Our relationship with Missing People started with Catalyst being approached for corporate sponsorship. Initial discussions soon turned into something more and, instead of making a one-off donation to a worthy cause, offered our services as a partner agency – and the relationship has gone from strength to strength.

Missing People Charity Joe Birkedale, Catalyst’s MD, said, “This nomination is brilliant, particularly as it’s come from the client – the first we heard about it was when Missing People told us we’d been shortlisted.

“It’s a great organisation to work with, and we’re very proud of our partnership with Missing People.”