How Inbound Marketing Can Get You Customers For Life

How Inbound Marketing Can Get You Customers For Life

It’s good to see an article advocating the use of Inbound Marketing for startups. In this article Shivankit Arora nails it with some great stats and useful advice.

At Catalyst we understand the importance of getting that initial marketing plan right and it’s all too easy to burn up precious investment cash on Paid and outbound. 

We have just become official marketing advisors to the Birmingham branch of Entrepreneurial Spark, the NatWest funded business accelerator partnership. It’s a place bristling with startups, some with funding secured, some at the very early planning stage. 


We hold a workshop every other week and offer free marketing advice on a one to one basis. It’s a great buzzy atmosphere and most of the entrepreneurs we meet are going to go far.

We have our first clients on board from this source and it’s all looking good, their customer base in each case is growing nicely. Inbound Marketing really is proving to be the answer in so many areas of trade. Give it a try.

With digital marketing growing every day, most startups tend to burn cash  on online advertising and outbound marketing with little knowledge about ROI and sustainability.

While outbound marketing is great and needs to be done, you have to understand and pin point the sources which are going to get you customers on a long term basis.

If spending X amount of money gets you Y amount of customers, the equation might look good in the beginning, but as soon as your funding dries up or a new entrepreneur builds something as good as your product/service, you can get in trouble.

The definitive answer to long term sustainable traffic, users and repeat customers: Inbound Marketing
